Wall Video has a great experience in

Technical assistance and
simultaneous translation equipment rental

either with cabins, i-desks, and receivers or with Guide Vox systems, more flexible and easy to manage.

Sistemas digitales de traducción simultánea con Wallvideo: cabinas de traducción, CCUs y más.

Simultaneous translation
digital systems

We offer all the necessary equipment for any kind of events: cabins, i-desks, CCU, receivers, headphones,…

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Contracta els serveis de traducció simultània de Wallvideo, Badalona, Barcelona.

Guide vox
system for guided tours

It can be used for guided tours but, discover with us the simultaneous translation revolution.

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Full services together with interpreters agencies

Servicios integrales con agencias de interpretación. Wallvideo, Badalona, ​​Barcelona.

We have a nice and close relation with interpreter agencies that allow us to arrive at the client with a global interpretation offer.

Sound systems

Meeting rooms sound systems and micros are important issues to take into account when installing a simultaneous translation equipment. We offer all the necessary types of equipment for said issues.

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Equipos de megafonía y microfonía profesional para ofrecer al cliente un servicio completo.